October 18, 2010

Bonded and bounded by love

Sister, you are a pretty gift from God.
Even in the deep dark,
Without the flavour, your murmur,
I can’t have a tasty sleep.
Fatigue may switch my conscious off,
But it’s not enough to make me cheer.

Eager to see your cute pair of dimple,
I showered love and care.
With sharp sword, my words,
I pruned like a tactful gardener;
To see you flowered with virtues.
Because, I am wary of your future.

Dear, as you wrote in the rhyme “Brother”,
I am not your brother by blood.
But there’s a wonder,
That I have a sister, a friend, a daughter,
And a lover with the same DNA.
World may not comprehend this spirit.

One day, either by man, God or by breath,
We must have to be mute.
But the arena where you used to dance,
Will be here, with rich memories.
Keep ears close to my heart,
Enjoy the music of your own anklet.


  1. superrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb annaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    i l b alwys ur sis..... not by blood but with the unknwn thread of love n care of 2 siblings tat ties us 2gthr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. seems to be like charlie chaplains dialog


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